Turkish language certificate - TOMER

Studying TOMER

About studying TOMER: TOMER is the application and research center for Turkish and foreign languages, where it’s affiliated with Ankara University, which was founded in 1984 to be similar to the international cultural and linguistic centers: British Council etc…
It has now 11 branches spread over 7 major Turkish cities and is attended by approximately 55 thousand students per year. The main objective of the TOMER Center was to teach the Turkish language to non-native speakers.
TOMER certificate: it’s the certificate given to students after passing the Turkish language exam, and it’s certified by the Turkish Ministry of Education. In addition, it’s certified in most public and private Turkish universities.
This exam is considered very important for many educational facilities and universities, and it can be considered one of the essential requirements for entering Turkish universities, especially ones where Turkish is the primary language of education.
The purpose of this exam is to evaluate the Turkish language for applicants. In simple words, this exam is akin to the ILETS and TOEFL exams for English. Anyone who intends to work or study or become a Turkish citizen has to have evidence that they can get good grades in the TOMER exam.

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TOMER Studying Levels:

Studying TOMER: the period for the TOMER course is around 8 months. after that, students can likely obtain a C1 grade.
The TOMER levels are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 

A1 Level:

You’ll study the Turkish alphabet and the foundations of the language; after passing this level you shall be able to understand Turkish expressions and express yourself in short sentences and body language.

A2 Level:

After passing this level you should be able to express yourself using basic words and styles. Also, you will be able to understand basic short texts.

B1 Level:

After passing this level, you should be able to clearly express your feelings, wishes, and interests. In addition, you’ll be able to easily understand written texts.

B2 Level:

After passing this level, you should be able to understand public arguments about many topics and issues, and you should be easily able to communicate with natives.

C1 Level:

After clearing this level, you should be able to understand TV shows and long dialogues clearly and express yourself fluently and naturally.

C2 Level:

After clearing this level, you should be able to understand long and complex texts and express your various opinions in detail about any topic.