Study Medicine in Turkey

Study Medicine in Turkey


Medicine is one of the few important majors that students dream to study, and the Turkish government has prioritized this specific faculty and taken great care of developing it, aiming to bring this major to higher levels and graduate the best students that’ll become future doctors.

الطب البشري


Dentistry is one of the oldest medical majors; moreover, its importance is increasing day by day. It’s no longer limited to therapeutic and medical care only, but now it also includes cosmetic cases that have spread exponentially among people.

طب الأسنان

Natural medicine:

It’s considered one of the oldest, most important fields in medicine that’s indispensable to humans, and that’s because natural medicine helps and expedites the process of healing. In addition, it’s also necessary for the immune system, to maintain the physical fitness and health that the human needs to enjoy his life.

العلاج الطبيعي


Psychiatry is one of the hardest majors in the world, the human psychology requires profound understanding and scrutinization skills. To this day, many experiments are done every day to understand human psychology; behind every story, we hear about people is a psychological story that can’t be understood easily.

الطب النفسي

Benefits of studying medicine in Turkey:

Turkish universities are occupying the position of the most important universities in the world in medical departments.

  • Turkish universities have a very special scientific academic crew, obtaining the highest rankings worldwide among the best universities.
  • The ability to do internships and train in the best hospitals and Turkish institutions.
  • Turkish universities are considered a welcoming environment for medical research in addition to having prepared laboratories with the best technology.
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